Sunday, October 30, 2005

Snapshots from hell - Part III

"Study Hard and Party Hard" is what i have learned in this 5 months of stint at XIMB. After getting bogged down by regular classes, assignment, and projects what is the alternative other than to party hard and the most adorables JLT's. Our seniors says that our batch is more enthusiastic then their's and i am proud to say that it is, which can be exemplified by a any of activities that involves PGP-1 be it participation of games,quizzes our any such events or conducting them. This is one of the reason why we are 'Elite'. In oder to recover from the traumas of the 'Khajur' and 'Mishra' it is really a necesities, and a blessing in desguise.
The recent most event that we are a part of it was 'AD- MAD' conducted by the MAXIM the Marketing Association of XIM, and i'll say it was a combo of learning and a lots of fun. It started with a preliminiary rounds with question more from the Advertisement world. Though we were apprehensive at the first that whether we will qualify for the next round or not but seeing the other team in the same situation we were a bit sure that we will make it, not b'coz the teams are poor but due the touchness level of the quizzes.
The second round was of making an AD where team were given a abstract product and we have make an AD in 3 minutes and perform that in another 2 minutes, it had really drive us crazy with the creativity and wit that the ad's that the teams had made. The third round was of making a jingle for an AD again for an abtract product with time reduced for making the AD to 2 minutes and i wonder that such things brings out the ideas hidden out some deep down in our head. The third round was of making an AD while using the various props that where kept there. It was really amazing to see people in that roles. Even though the participation doesnt led us to any of the prizes but being a part of such activities was enough for the motivation and satiaty.
Another major event of XIM that i dont think i will ever forget in my life time was the Block fest, where each block drinks and dance the whole night. At XIM we have 6 Blocks. Block A,B,C and D for Gents PGP hostel, RMH for Ladies hostel and one block for RM( Rural Management). Its is treated as like the wars bettween the Giants, with none of the block wants to cut an sorry figure in front of the other, and each of junior and seniors where there on the terace of each block with loud speakers and lights. Each one trying to prove there persistency. It is one of such event that has strenthen the camaraderie between the seniors and juniors and among our batch also.
Be being the part of this crazy event, partying hard and putting water on people of another block if they enter ours and vice versa. At last we 5 (Manoj, Nitie,Rohit, Shri and me) were left as the representatives of our block continued the dance and were the last to leave the war field. But intial booing of different blocks finally ended up with each block cheering and praising the other, really a great event to cherish for the rest of the life. With Maxination (Another Block war ) still to come we our tightning our seat belts for give a tough competition to our other block competetors.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

G-4 (Home,StudyRoom,Recreation Centre and Dharamshala for many)

Sitting in this lonely room of mine at XIM, my mind often flew back to the remniciences of my stay at G-4, this was our flat number while staying there in Bhilai completing my engineering. The place often haunt me whenever i miss my room-mates Nitesh, Manish and Vikas now the former two are out of india and the later is also ready to leave, Never thaught that one day we would be seperated by such a distance, but happy for their achievements that had led them there.

Nitesh being my childhood friend (langotia yaar) i was knowing them before i joined BIT, and came to know more about Manish and Vikas only after my first semester though our rooms were only few yards from each other. These two guys were really great in making there network be it with senior or our batchmates, they are really friend in true sense. I still remember the amount of effort that we have put in to get that flat, as it was one of the nearest to the college, on the first floor, in a posh locality having a badmintion court, and lots of girls as there was a girls college nearby but unfortunately in our three year stay in that flat we could hardly found a girl that we could admire, with Bhadoria (vikas) keep on shouting to the girls who used to sit in the in garden near our flat.

Something about our landlords Mr. and Mrs. Daripa with later one of the most horiffying looks and her shrill shout really makes us scared and we used to look for any possible way so that we would not have to conatact that lady, on the otherhand his husband was true gentleman thin and lean contrary to his wife in physique and character also. "Hum tumko bola tha na" and "Manish- Manish " was the chants we had to hear from her.

Our flat was really like the true home in the sense it has all the facilities that are required, and we used to have a cook for our meals, the true legacy we enjoyed thought not for a long time. Some skirmish that we often had on clearing up the monthly accounts and having a party of cold-drinks and icecream of the money that is left from the account. We also maintain a Hero-Puch that chacha(Manish) braught from one of the senior, that was real luxury be it going to the party or going for classes at SSI (nitesh will defenately remember that).

During our tenure of three years our flat was cleaned and maintained by many of the person with whom we have developed really good releation. the first was Rupa the maid we first employeed to clean our house, her name was totally a misnomer. then came our 'Jindagi' wale bhaiya, the person we discovered who had left his home in search of work, and he used to live with us until once he left for holidays to his village and never came back, and we found out that Rs 700 hundred were missing from home, then followed 'Bui' and 'Radhika' with Radhika serving for the longest time as she used to treat our house like hers, her favorite was Chacha and his brother vikas.

Though we four were living in that flat, but hardly we could find less than 5-6 people in it. Our constant visitor were our another three close friends of us, who have taken our flat as there own for granted and we havent have any problem with that. Our three Guest cum room partner are Paras Jain, Amit pandey and Manish Chaudhary. With pandey ji living most of the time in our flat toilet. Our flat was also a sort of place were people often come to get entertain, or entertain us, with their problems thinking that we have the solutions for each.

There is much more to write about the activities that we have done there that this space of my blog will prove to be scarce, still i would be writing about those later about my room-mates, friends of BIT, about bhilai and our college whenever i would get the momento for doing that.